Development and deployment of eLearning solution adjusted to the client's requirements and its integration into the corporate environment
Creating courses and test scenarios for the client adjusted to the requirements of the employee training process
Setting up the educational process and development of employees, respectively guests, and suppliers through eLearning.
Deployed learning managment system (LMS) contains several bacis functions and moduls for easy management of the online learning process and eLearning system :
We offer full control over the development of the eLearning solution, its integration, and flexibility of the educational process, respectively user testing, and certification.
We are a dynamic team of IT enthusiasts who will take care of your system requirements and online needs not only in the field of eLearning but also in the development of information and reservation system, portals, web projects, intranets, and e-commerce solutions.
We have been operating on the market for 18 years and our clients are our best references. Our clients are companies from various areas of economic life - industry, finance, or tourism. As an information technology company, we strive to provide them with innovative online solutions that will help your company differentiate from the competition. We emphasize the quality of services provided and the satisfaction of our clients.
It is important for us that new clients come to us based on good references and referral marketing.
Check out our lastest works with examples of the implementation of eLearning solution for corporate clientele from various fields.
Našou misiou je popri elearningu prinášať klientom softvérové a online riešenia na mieru či web aplikácie a informačné systémy. Našou vizitkou su realizované práce aj pre nasledovných klientov:
A number of tests
A number of students
A number of certificates
A number of courses
"We're growing and you should join us!"
Contact us100%
Our mission is to provide you with professional services from initial consultation, through implementation, integration and activation of the eLearning solution for your organization.
Our mission is to ensure the development of education in your company through eLearning solutions and setting up the entire educational and certification process of your employees, clients or suppliers.
Our team with rich experience provides progressive solutions at reasonable prices and with professional pro-client support.
The price of the solution depends on your specific requirements and claims for the system, from its content and educational materials, or from the setting of educational and development process in your company.
The process of collaboration takes several stages:
+421 915 722 546
Obchodná 39, Bratislava, SK